Full Control for Windows 95/98 Full Control is a complete Windows 95 security access control system. It includes software access management, time limits, logging, web-browser tracking, remote administration, and many flexible configuration options. Full Control provides effective, reliable access control while still allowing use of the regular Windows 95 desktop. With Full Control, businesses can let employees use authorized applications, yet prevent them from accessing or installing other programs ... stores, schools, and libraries can allow public access to their computers, yet safeguard computers against tampering ... and parents can control which programs and websites their children use. Full Control provides reliable security coverage for your Win95 computer, even in Safe Mode. It lets you specify exactly what programs can be run, by whom, and for how long -- even communications programs for the Internet or online services. It allows full access to authorized software, yet prevents accidental or malicious system modifications. The user can't run other programs, can't change the computer's setup, can't get to restricted files or folders. It can also control the number of pages that can be printed, keyboard and mouse activity, boot-time behavior, shutdown options, file-save directories, and more. Full Control monitors all World Wide Web browser activity by name, location, and time. It also logs all software usage, the number of pages printed from each workstation, attempts to access locked files or folders, attempted password hacking, and more. Its built-in reports and graphs can analyze this information, or the data can be exported to any database or spreadsheet. Full Control can track changes to the Registry, system files, or applications, allowing you to "roll back" your system configuration when misguided users, flawed applications or incomplete uninstallers make a mess of your computer. Configuration checkpoints are saved on your schedule, and can be restored even if Windows won't run. Full Control's system administration capabilities can maintain any size setup, from a single home PC to multi-computer networked installations. All networked computers can be managed from one central location. This includes the ability to remotely monitor, update, logoff, shut down, reboot or reconfigure Full Control stations. Full Control also includes network-based license metering. Installing Full Control To install Full Control, run the program install.exe that comes with Full Control. It will ask you the folder you would like to install into, the Start button group name you prefer, and whether you'd like Full Control to run at startup. Full Control will not install anything to any folder other than the one you specify. It will not change any system files other than the Registry (per Microsoft standards). If you choose to uninstall, simply run the uninstaller program. Full Control installs the following files to the folder you choose: fc.exe the Full Control program, file 1 fc2.exe the Full Control program, file 2 fc3.exe the Full Control program, file 3 fc4.dll the Full Control program, file 4 fc5.dll the Full Control program, file 5 fc6.exe the Full Control program, file 6 fc7.dll the Full Control program, file 7 bardon1.vxd another part of the Full Control program fcreset.exe the failsafe reset program uninfc.exe the Full Control uninstaller fc.hlp the documentation, in Windows helpfile format fc.cnt another part of the Windows helpfile validm.dll license meter management engine readme.txt overview and installation instructions license.txt terms of Full Control's usage license homepage.url shortcut to Bardon's website msgmgr.exe Message Manager program metermgr.exe License Meter Manager program adminmgr.exe Remote Administration Manager program extract.exe Data Extractor builds data files used by other Full Control tools logoff.exe Logoff applet Remote Commander: Full Control works very well with Bardon's free Remote Commander utility, with which administrators can run commands from one central location on any Full Control computer on the network -- installers, maintenance programs, batch files, or any other software. The Remote Commander is available from the Bardon Data Systems website (http://www.bardon.com). It is also included with all purchased copies of Full Control. When you install Full Control, its uninstaller is added to Full Control's icons on the Start menu as well as to the usual "Add/Remove Programs" list. To uninstall, run the uninstaller. Before uninstalling, remember to set back any systemwide options (such as desktop shortcuts or options access) as you prefer them. Please note that to cleanly uninstall, the uninstaller must be used. It is not sufficient to simply delete the Full Control files. How To Order Full Control You are welcome to test the evaluation version of Full Control for 30 days. That is, you can run the program on 30 different dates. These dates do not have to be consecutive calendar days. If you don't run Full Control on a particular date, it doesn't count against your 30 days. This gives you plenty of time to try it under actual working conditions on your own system, to see if it meets your needs. After the trial period, you must either purchase Full Control or remove it from your system. Quantity discounts and educational pricing are available. Contact Bardon Data Systems for more information. To order, send $49.95 (plus $5 shipping/handling) to: Bardon Data Systems 1164 Solano Ave. #415 Albany, CA 94706 We also offer a Maintenance Plan which includes all Full Control upgrades for one year, plus other benefits. $24.95 per single copy, less in quantity. Contact Bardon Data Systems for further information on this. Payment: You can pay with cash, check, money order, or major credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover). Checks: We accept checks in US Dollars, drawn on a US bank and requiring no additional collection or currency-conversion fees. Shipping: Please enclose $5 for shipping and handling. Sales Tax: California residents please add 8.25% sales tax ($4.12). Purchase Orders: Purchase orders are accepted from most organizations within North America. Terms are net 30 days from date of order, unless arranged otherwise in advance. For orders under $100, please add an additional $10 processing fee if using a purchase order. More Ways To Order: With a credit card you can also order Full Control by phone at 510-526-8470 or ORDERS ONLY tollfree at 800-92-BARDON (800-922-2736) weekdays 9 to 5 California time, or by fax at 510-526-1271 24 hours a day. Order on the World Wide Web at the Bardon Data Systems homepage (http://www.bardon.com). The webpage is also the best place to get the very latest test-drive version of Full Control, as well as other software from Bardon Data Systems. With a major credit card you can also send electronic mail to orders@bardon.com with your credit card number, expiration date, and name as it appears on the card. On CompuServe you can GO SWREG to order item #12781; the fee will be added into your regular CompuServe bill. If you order by phone you'll be given your license number immediately so you can get rid of the reminder screens and limitations right away. Or simply mail in your credit card number and expiration date.